Elections are always CRUCIAL within our huge Blue State.   Help rescue conservative patriotism and protect family-friendly traditional faith by voting for Republican candidates.   Ballot mail-out begins October 10.   Lasy Day to Vote is November 8. 

Sitting it out guarantees more Democrat overreach with ever-expanding social re-engineering.   The Democrat Party used to be largely moderate and partially liberal.   Now it espouses (and imposes under penalty of law) very liberal and leftist worldviews.   They want you to think that your conservative vote does not count ... enough to persuade you to not vote. 

Let's beat the Democrats at their own game.  To bypass the US mail, please use the City or Precinct Drop Points.   Contact your conservative friends and ask them to drop off their ballot.   Offer to give them a ride to the drop location.   (Yes!  It is legal to do this kind of ballot harvesting.  Don't let the Democrats be the only ones harvesting ballots!)

November 01, 2024 at 6:00am - 6pm
City and Precinct Ballot Drop Points
Your City, CA
United States
Google map and directions
Harry Briley ·